季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


小鳥とまらず?!Birds, not just trees? !

It's sunny today.It's as hot as midsummer.Immediately after leaving the house, Oenothera rosea is on the side of the road, and Papaver dubium is in full bloom in the open space.There are few people today.The bus will pass.There are no people on board.I passed the bus stop without stopping and saw it for the first time!Also, pass by while watching the medaka of the barber at the intersection.Fujimi Park, two groups of fathers walking with their children.In Johnson Town, Papaver dubium has been newly added to the Rosa banksiae, Cerastium tomentosum, and Deutzia gracilis.To Sainomori Park.There are quite a few elementary school children in small groups.Perhaps nearby children are meeting with friends.Cornus controbersa flowers are beginning to bloom.There is a parking lot near the exit, but I think there are about 150 tall Liriodendron tulipifera.Looking over it, the young leaves and the blue sky are very beautiful! is.One of the Tochigi trees at the exit is beautifully blooming.The other two are still going to take time.I'm going home.Brain training starts, and my eyes shift here and there.I can't concentrate.I saw a group of Plantago lanceolata in a small park, so I took a picture.Hurry home.At home, pink Paeonia suffruticosa have been blooming the other day.The peony will soon bloom.Flowers that are good for your eyes today? !Please see if you like.  

よろしければ曲を聴きながらどうぞ!(ピアノ曲)Please listen to the song if you like! 
(Piano song)

目木(めぎ)Berberis thunbergii

落葉小低木  めぎ科めぎ属 分布地 本州関東以南、四国、九州
開花期 4~5月     花径 5mm位      樹高 2m位
昔、枝葉を煎じて洗眼薬にしたことから、このように呼ぶようになったそうです。日当たりの良い山地や岩山、原野に生えます。葉脇より黄色の5弁の小さい可愛いお花を数個ぶら下げます。そして秋には赤い長い楕円形の実をつけるそうです。 葉はかたまって付く楕円で縁は円い葉脇や枝から鋭いトゲがでる枝には縦のみぞがあります。薬効があり胃腸の健康と洗眼に良いそうです。生薬、「小蘗(しょうばく)」として使われています。



にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ 季節の花へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 植物・花写真へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログへ

にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログへ

