季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


空に牡丹?!Peony in the sky? !

It's raining today.It's a bit cold.3 ℃ lower than room temperature in the morning!You cannot go for a walk.I went shopping by car to Aeon.There are few people.Purchased for two days.The cashier set a transparent vinyl curtain between the clerk and the customer.And there was a broadcast to open between the customers.I told you that you didn't have enough ideas before.It has been improved.Speaking of which, about a week ago, there was a health center director who said that in Saitama, tests for corona-infected patients were low, and that the number of receiving hospitals was so low that testing was strict.What has happened since then?It seems that there are few deaths?Take care of your body!Today was beautiful yesterday, this flower? !Please see if you like. 

よろしければ曲を聴きながらどうぞ!(ピアノ曲)Please listen to the song if you like! 
(Piano song)

八重桜(やえざくら)Prunus lannesiana

八重桜(やえざくら)は里桜(さとざくら)、牡丹桜(ぼたんざくら)とも呼ばれ、花弁が幾重にも重なったように見えるものを言います。古くから行われた桜の人工的交配や変異によって生まれた八重咲きの園芸品種のことです。一重の桜が咲き終わった後に、しばらくして咲きます。大島桜系のものが多いようです。「関山」は4月下旬に濃紅色の花を一杯に付けるので世界各地で植えられているそうです。また「普賢象」 は室町時代からある品種で、色がピンクから白に変わっていくそうです。他に、「一葉」、「楊貴妃」、などが良く知られているそうです。

