季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


いつも二人? !Are you always two? !

The weather is cloudless today, but the wind is strong.Hold your hat and walk.There are few people.I am walking on the back road of Green Hill, but there are many large parking lots.The car is the same as yesterday and it is almost stationary.The Dogwood of the roadside tree, the pink syrene blooming under the water tree, is very beautiful.A white Marguerite in front of a small park with an unknown name. It's beautiful!And the barber in front of the intersection.The traffic light is red.The barber owner is feeding the medaka fish.The medaka is fine.To Fujimi Park.In front of the Styrax obassia, it feels like a dark, small forest!Flowers are blooming at the tips of the trees at a high place.Later, it will be in full bloom in about two days.Johnson Town is not so noticeable.To Sainomori Park. Not many peopleI had about 40 bicycles yesterday.Several today. The Trifolium pratense is beautiful.Flowers are beginning to bloom at the tips of the Paulownia tomentosa near the parking lot.It's a tall tree, so I didn't notice it until now.It seems that the Aesculus carnea ears at the exit sway in the strong wind and dance.I'm going home.The wind is strong and the flowers and branches of the tree tremble.There is nothing noticeable.I went home in front of Aeon.Today is the original species of Abelia! ? Please see if you like.  

よろしければ曲を聴きながらどうぞ!(ピアノ曲)Please listen to the song if you like! 
(Piano song)

衝羽根空木(つくばねうつぎ)Abelia spathulata

落葉低木   すいかずら科つくばねうつぎ属 分布地は本州中部以南
開花期 4~5月      花径 2cm位      樹高 2mまで
長楕円形をした5枚のがく片が花後も果実の先に付いて残ります。その状態が「はねつき」の羽根( 衝羽根(つくばね))に似ていることからこの名前が付いているようです。日当たりの良い乾燥した山地、丘陵の雑木林などに生えるようです。薄クリーム色の筒状のお花の中に黄色の斑点がついたお花は2個ずつ咲きます。枝は細く弓状に少し垂れるようです。その枝はよく分枝して、卵形から狭楕円形の葉が対生します。葉縁は不規則な鋸歯があるか全縁(鋸歯がない)のようです。



にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ 季節の花へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 植物・花写真へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログへ

にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログへ

