季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


変わり者?!Stranger? !

It is cloudy today.Occasionally the sun goes up, but it gets hot.It should be cloudy and cooler.Many pink Oxalis corniculata are blooming like a mountain under the road guard which protects a pedestrian.It's beautiful.The back road of the back road of Green Hill, the rose is protruding to the road.It's very beautiful.And a little rose "Miyabi" in the garden when you go a little!It's in full bloom today!I took a picture,It's facing the road, so it's unauthorized.Pass in front of the post office and head to the residential area.The roses are also beautiful here.It is the same kind as the rose behind the hill.This is also on the road and blooms beautifully.Go through the prefectural housing complex to the barber at the intersection.I am out of duty today.The traffic light is red.The water in the medaka pot is beautiful.I take good care of it.Is the medaka happy?Pink Bellflower is very beautiful in the garden without fences.Also the blue Bellflower! It's not blooming yet, so wait!To Fujimi Park, Johnson Town and Sainomori Park.Take a look at the flowers of the high parking lot Liriodendron tulipifera and take the exit.I'm going home.There is nothing particularly noticeable.Shopping at Aeon.Two days today.There are dozens of people in the caching in the store.I thought it was a book, but I left Aeon without doing it.There are 2 bottles of 1 liter water today! It's heavy.Coreopsis lanceolata is in bloom next to the road guard on the road facing the open space.Cultivation is prohibited by the Alien Biological Law, but it is beautiful!I have a sting today! ?Please see if you like.  

よろしければ曲を聴きながらどうぞ!(ピアノ曲)Please listen to the song if you like! 
(Piano song)

薔薇( ばら )Rose/変わり咲き

つる性落葉低木、落葉低木  ばら科ばら属   原産地 アジア
開花期 春、春(5~6月)と秋(9~11月)、年中
花径 12cm位まで 樹高 2m位まで(つるばらは除く)
[花言葉](薔薇)私はあなたにふさわしい、内気な恥ずかしさ、輝かしい、愛嬌、新鮮、斬新、美、私はあなたを愛する、あなたのすべてはかわいらしい、愛情、気まぐれな美しさ、爽やか 、無邪気
(ミニ薔薇) 愛情、美



にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ 季節の花へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 植物・花写真へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログへ

にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログへ

