季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


蛍の祭り?!Firefly festival? !

It is sunny and hot today.There is nothing particularly noticeable.Beloperone guttata has flower buds on the fence of the garden through the front of the post office to the residential area.And the three colors of Consolida ajacis.Red Alstroemeria nearby, white Campanula punctat at the exit.It's blooming with Houttuynia cordata.Help each other with thin stems!To the prefectural housing complex.Catch fly, Lychnis coronaria.Hydrangea macrophylla "Sumida no Hanabi" has flower buds in the garden a little further away.Beyond that, Annabelle.And the barber at the intersection, the traffic light is red.Look at the medaka and pass. To Fujimi Park, Johnson Town, Sainomori Park.You can see the cherry tree has about 5 mm of red and black fruits.I'm going home.A bottle brush is in full bloom in front of a coffee roasting specialty store at the entrance of the back street of Johnson Town!I didn't notice until now.After that, there is nothing noticeable.Shopping for 3 days at Aeon.The bag contains three or three bottles of juice.heavy!Go home.Today's firefly inn? !Please see if you like.  

よろしければ曲を聴きながらどうぞ!(ピアノ曲)Please listen to the song if you like! 
(Piano song)

蛍袋(ほたるぶくろ)Campanula punctatad

多年草 ききょう科ほたるぶくろ属 分布地 日本全国
開花期 6~7月    花の長さ 5~6cm    草丈 70cmまで



にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ 季節の花へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 植物・花写真へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログへ

にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログへ

