季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


あなたは?だ~れ!you are? Who!

It's cloudy today.There is a little wind and it is cool, and it feels good to walk.The number of pale purple Campanula punctata flowers in the thickets is beautiful and beautiful.Before, a little magenta was in bloom.Take the back road on Green Hill.There is nothing particularly noticeable.From the front of the post office to the residential area.Some Magnolia gradiflora flowers are newly blooming, but others are dying.It doesn't change as a whole.Is this in full bloom?To the prefectural housing complex.Hydrangea macrophylla.Barber at the intersection.The traffic light is red.There are three medaka pots.The second was that the water lily leaves covered the water and the medaka fish disappeared.Pass the medaka fish in a bowl of water only.If you go a little, a large Stewartia pseudo is blooming in the road garden on the rightIt comes with a lot of buds.I will take a picture again on a sunny day.To Fujimi Park, Johnson Town, and Sainomori Park.Cool enough to cool!False spiraea are beginning to bloom.Hydrangea serrata near the pond is beautiful.I'm going home.There is nothing particularly noticeable.Going home through Aeon and York Mart.Today is the little pink Japanese Wisteria? !Please see if you like.  

よろしければ曲を聴きながらどうぞ!(ピアノ曲)Please listen to the song if you like! 
(Piano song)





にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ 季節の花へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 植物・花写真へ

にほんブログ村 写真ブログへ

にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログへ

